Today is day three of The Mayhem and Foolishness Experience (MAFE). I've come to terms with the fact that our clutter is serious business. We might need an intervention. Like, yesterday.

You may be wondering if you are stuck in MAF (mayhem and foolishness)? If you aren't sure, take a picture of your rooms because, as we all know, pictures don't lie. I took pictures of the MAF in my office and seriously? I. HAD. NO. IDEA. Try it. It will catapult you into reality.

I worked on my office MAF most of Sunday. I made a dent, but outward appearance would say differently. Mostly, I cleaned out cabinets and bookshelves (you know, to eventually fill with other MAF).

I actually set up a schedule to clear out the MAF permanently (shut up). I found some nuggets of help and inspiration online, mostly due to Michelle at Babblin' on the Bayou (she's my organized fantasy self...I want to be her when I grow up), the Org Junkie, and a some freebies at www.KeepAndShare.com (the calendar is a little glitchy, but it's F.R.E.E. so don't whine). Anyway, according to my calendar, The MAF will be permanently gone by the third week in September. We'll see.

You'll be happy to know (or, more likely, not really give a sh*t), that I can actually see the top of my desk as I'm typing this today.

I'd love to chat, but I'm off to file more paperwork.

Maybe I'll get to that after a nap...


Michelle said... @ 10:15 AM

*whine* But I don't want to be a grown up . . .

Yay for the top of the desk! Now come do mine, because lately I've just been taking the laptop out of the office so I don't have to see the room at all. How's that for being an organized grown up? ;-)

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